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REMONDIS Global Website // Türkiye
sustainable development.
Thinking ahead
– far into the future

Crazy - smart navigation with each item having a different size and margins


    A wide range of recycling, service and water activities

  • The REMONDIS Group operates in many fields of business: it recovers raw materials from waste, develops innovative recycled products, offers alternative fuels and plays an important role in the water management sector supplying water and treating wastewater. In addition, REMONDIS removes pollutants from residual and hazardous wastes – which are unable to be recycled with today's technology – and disposes of them using eco-friendly methods.

  • REMONDIS is a family-run company with a history that stretches back over 80 years

  • More than 30 million people and many thousands of public and private sector clients already benefit from the REMONDIS Group's services. Focusing on its customers' requirements, REMONDIS provides reliable services and innovative solutions within the recycling and water sectors.

  • Click here to go straight to recycling, service and water

  • REMONDIS' particular strengths are its high standards of quality, its perfect infrastructure and the fact it can offer a full range of services along the whole of the supply chain. Manufacturing businesses can, for example, use REMONDIS' industrial services to optimise their business processes and cut their costs. The company's extensive public services portfolio offers a whole range of advantages as well – advantages that can be created through working directly with the company via joint ventures or as public private partnerships (PPP).

REMONDIS – A few facts & figures

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Growth on the global market

  • The REMONDIS Group's strategic goal is to create supply chains that cover each and every service that may be required. The Group's global presence is continuously being extended. Geographically, it focuses on Europe, Asia and Oceania. Its growth strategy comprises making full use of all opportunities that arise as well as systematically tapping into additional potential. REMONDIS augments its organic growth with targeted acquisitions. These, for example, help to complete the company's range of services, to round off its presence on regional markets or to enter new markets.

    A complete list of REMONDIS’ branches can be found on our website remondis-locations.com

Numbers and services that speak for themselves

  • Across the world, REMONDIS is well known for its innovative recycling, service and water management activities. By investing in research and development work, in technology and training, the Group is preparing for the future and safeguarding its positive development around the globe. At the end of the day, this not only benefits our customers and our employees but the environment as well. Each day, for example, we recycle waste to recover raw materials so they can be returned to production cycles – helping to conserve our planet’s natural resources. Moreover, the Group’s central structure and the close collaboration work between the individual companies create a whole range of synergies.

    Further information about our regional and specialist businesses can be found at We in Turkey

    How REMONDIS’ recycling operations conserve natural raw materials

REMONDIS’ recycling plants worldwide

  • From biogas plants to WEEE dismantling centres – REMONDIS has a network of over 1,100 plants and facilities around the globe which operate a whole range of different technology


Meet our Board

  • The board members of the umbrella organisation, REMONDIS SE & Co. KG, are not only responsible for the Group, they are also fully committed to the company's goals, its culture and its philosophy. Their comments below illustrate just what this means to them.

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      • > Ludger Rethmann, Board Chairman

        • “The flip side of a globalised economy is a fast-moving society and anonymity. Those businesses which can provide the continuity of a family-run company against such a backdrop are able to benefit from advantages that will take them to the top of the international market.”

      • > Thomas Breitkopf, Board Member

        • “Milestones can be reached more quickly if we strive towards perfection. Being committed to progress and specialising in specific areas allow us to achieve new dimensions – and to pave the way for tomorrow's world.”

      • > Thomas Conzendorf, Board Member

        • “The best results are always achieved when a balance is found between different interests. If environmental and economic factors are successfully united, then sustainable solutions can be found that not only close material life cycles but are also in keeping with our responsibilities.“

      • > Bernhard Heiker, Board Member

        • “Safe and efficient processes are key if a company wishes to be a success and have an edge over its competitors. By optimising our planning and control systems, we are creating the basis for profitable global growth.”

      • > Max Arnold Köttgen, Board Member

        • “Being close to regional customers is an important factor for success even when a company operates on the global market. Indeed, the best possible solution can always be found if international expertise is implemented on a local basis.”

      • > Egbert Tölle, Board Member

        • “Boundaries can be surmounted if a company’s different strengths are pooled together. Concentrating on our core business and gradually extending our company's strong points will lead to growth – both on our home market and in other promising markets around the world.”

Company guidelines & corporate compliance

Our Group is committed to providing services that benefit people and the environment. Our core mission is to strengthen and enhance the market position of the Group and its businesses through our daily work. We are not only bound by our company guidelines but by our compliance rules as well. These are the cornerstones of our company culture. No matter what country or field of business we operate in, our actions are always guided by legal regulations and ethical and moral principles which our management teams and employees follow at all times.

Download our company guidelines and compliance guidelines as a PDF

Company history

  • Being a family-run company full of tradition, REMONDIS has gradually developed into an international service provider. Throughout this period, we have built up and extended our know-how and experience and given ourselves a competitive edge – all of which is benefiting the Group's activities today and will continue to do so far into the future.
    The timeline below takes a look at this successful journey.

  • Press Room – Keep up to date

    Business locations – Europe and worldwide

    Library – Download our brochures and videos here

    Search – The quickest way to find what you want to know about our company

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